Property Exterior Services
Increase the Curb Appeal and Value of Your Home
Are you searching for ways to boost the selling value of your home?
First Impressions Are Key
The exterior appearance of your home should allow a prospective purchaser to imply what the interior looks like. In fact, in an era where more than 90% of buyers start their search online, the first photograph that is used in your ad (usually the exterior of the front) will often determine whether a large number will actually click further. Among those who do click further, the first impression that photograph had on the buyer will often shade their impression of the property moving forward, regardless of the description or the other 39 photos.
Most of our clients do have nicely maintained interiors, however, or interiors that also just need a bit of sprucing up. Yet the exterior of the home (the front especially) was not an area they spent much time in, or energy in keeping to the same standard.
Do you have dead cedar trees in parts of a privacy hedge? Is the pathway to the entry weathered and cracked with greenish-brown discolouration? Is the lawn overtaken by moss and weeds? Is the paint of the home fading and flaking? Is the entry door dated and the house numbers rusted?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes” then prospective buyers are going to imply that the condition of everything else in the home is also poorly maintained. If that’s accurate, then by all means, spare yourself the expense of fixing it all. Putting lipstick on a pig isn’t going to fool anyone. But in all likelihood, the front of your home needs a little work to bring it up to standard and keep those eyeballs engaged when scrolling through your listing.
This is where Curb Appeal can step in and raise the external attractiveness of your property so it rightfully matches that of the rest of your home.
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After submitting the form below we will endeavour to respond to your inquiry within 72 hours and schedule a one-on-one consultation and a free comprehensive home evaluation.