Landscaping Services
Increase the Curb Appeal and Value of Your Home
Are you searching for ways to boost the selling value of your home?
Keeping It Real
You might think that it’s necessary to have beautifully manicured garden beds with a colourful array of flowers and a lawn so perfect that it looks like someone cut it with scissors. In fact, that could actually have the opposite of the intended effect. Sure, there are some who love spending all their time getting hands dirty primping their gardens and being the envy of the neighbourhood. But for most prospective buyers of your home, this kind of landscaping conveys “high maintenance” that they don’t have time for.
On the other hand, there are yards which plainly do not match with the interior of the home. Maybe lawn maintenance wasn’t your thing and the hedges and shrubs didn’t get trimmed for a few years. Now they seem too far gone. Unfortunately, this eliminates a large part of your property from consideration as “usable space” and the majority of people looking for single family homes want all the space they can get.
North Shore landscaping requires some fairly distinct design and maintenance. The amount of rain received is extremely disagreeable to many species of grass and plants. The northern and eastern parts of the property, especially, will receive little or no sunlight to dry this moisture resulting in algae and moss taking over. Temperature changes and pounding rain also quickly weather concrete and wooden structures unless regularly maintained. A lot of damage can be done by simply doing nothing.
But this damage can also be undone by replacing inappropriate features with those more suitable to the elements, ensuring proper drainage and in some cases just starting over.
For yards that have been regularly maintained, less costly maintenance tasks can be completed prior to listing to ensure it adds to the attractiveness of the home.
Your Curb Appeal Property Expert knows the value of turning your backyard mud pit into an attractive usable space. Consult with us to find out how to do it without breaking the bank.
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